Title | Titans of the early Universe: The Prato statement on the origin of the first supermassive black holes |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Authors | Woods, TE, Agarwal, B, Bromm, V, Bunker, A, Chen, K-J, Chon, S, Ferrara, A, Glover, SC O, Haemmerlé, L, Haiman, Z, Hartwig, T, Heger, A, Hirano, S, Hosokawa, T, Inayoshi, K, Klessen, RS, Kobayashi, C, Koliopanos, F, Latif, MA, Li, Y, Mayer, L, Mezcua, M, Natarajan, P, Pacucci, F, Rees, MJ, Regan, JA, Sakurai, Y, Salvadori, S, Schneider, R, Surace, M, Tanaka, TL, Whalen, DJ, Yoshida, N |