
Found 2624 results
Y. Chen, Mo, H.  J. , Li, C. , Wang, K. , Wang, H. , and Yang, X. , A conditional abundance matching method of extending simulated halo merger trees to resolve low-mass progenitors and subhalos, \mnras, vol. 525, pp. 1254-1279, 2023.
A. Jana, Chatterjee, A. , Chang, H. - K. , Nandi, P. , Rubinur, K. , Kumari, N. , Naik, S. , Safi-Harb, S. , and Ricci, C. , Coronal properties of low-accreting AGNs using Swift, XMM-Newton, and NuSTAR observations, \mnras, vol. 524, pp. 4670-4687, 2023.
H. Middleton, Sesana, A. , Chen, S. , Vecchio, A. , Del Pozzo, W. , and Rosado, P.  A. , Correction to: Massive black hole binary systems and the NANOGrav 12.5 yr results, \mnras, vol. 526, pp. L34-L34, 2023.
J. R. Weaver, Davidzon, I. , Toft, S. , Ilbert, O. , McCracken, H.  J. , Gould, K. M. L. , Jespersen, C. K. , Steinhardt, C. , Lagos, C.  D.  P. , Capak, P. L. , Casey, C. M. , Chartab, N. , Faisst, A. L. , Hayward, C. C. , Kartaltepe, J. S. , Kauffmann, O. B. , Koekemoer, A.  M. , Kokorev, V. , Laigle, C. , Liu, D. , Long, A. , Magdis, G. E. , McPartland, C. J. R. , Milvang-Jensen, B. , Mobasher, B. , Moneti, A. , Peng, Y. , Sanders, D.  B. , Shuntov, M. , Sneppen, A. , Valentino, F. , Zalesky, L. , and Zamorani, G. , COSMOS2020: The galaxy stellar mass function. The assembly and star formation cessation of galaxies at 0.2< z \ensuremathłeq} 7.5}, \aap, vol. 677, p. A184, 2023.
X. Ding, Onoue, M. , Silverman, J. D. , Matsuoka, Y. , Izumi, T. , Strauss, M. A. , Jahnke, K. , Phillips, C. L. , Li, J. , Volonteri, M. , Haiman, Z. , Andika, I. Taufik, Aoki, K. , Baba, S. , Bieri, R. , Bosman, S. E.  I. , Bottrell, C. , Eilers, A. - C. , Fujimoto, S. , Habouzit, M. , Imanishi, M. , Inayoshi, K. , Iwasawa, K. , Kashikawa, N. , Kawaguchi, T. , Kohno, K. , Lee, C. - H. , Lupi, A. , Lyu, J. , Nagao, T. , Overzier, R. , Schindler, J. - T. , Schramm, M. , Shimasaku, K. , Toba, Y. , Trakhtenbrot, B. , Trebitsch, M. , Treu, T. , Umehata, H. , Venemans, B. P. , Vestergaard, M. , Walter, F. , Wang, F. , and Yang, J. , Detection of stellar light from quasar host galaxies at redshifts above 6, \nat, vol. 621, pp. 51-55, 2023.
Y. Wu, Chen, Y. - X. , Jiang, H. , Dong, R. , Macías, E. , Lin, M. - K. , Rosotti, G. P. , and Elbakyan, V. , Distinguishing magnetized disc winds from turbulent viscosity through substructure morphology in planet-forming discs, \mnras, vol. 523, pp. 2630-2640, 2023.
R. Alexander, Rosotti, G. , Armitage, P. J. , Herczeg, G. J. , Manara, C. F. , and Tabone, B. \^ıt, The distribution of accretion rates as a diagnostic of protoplanetary disc evolution, \mnras, vol. 524, pp. 3948-3957, 2023.
B. Zhu, Yuan, F. , Ji, S. , Peng, Y. , and Ho, L. C. , On the dominant role of wind in the quasar feedback mode in the late-stage evolution of massive elliptical galaxies, \mnras, vol. 525, pp. 4840-4853, 2023.
M. Arca Sedda, Kamlah, A. W. H. , Spurzem, R. , Rizzuto, F. Paolo, Naab, T. , Giersz, M. , and Berczik, P. , The DRAGON-II simulations - II. Formation mechanisms, mass, and spin of intermediate-mass black holes in star clusters with up to 1 million stars, \mnras, vol. 526, pp. 429-442, 2023.
H. Liu and Bai, X. - N. , The dusty Rossby wave instability (DRWI): linear analysis and simulations of turbulent dust-trapping rings in protoplanetary discs, \mnras, vol. 526, pp. 80-105, 2023.
A. Kalyaan, Pinilla, P. , Krijt, S. , Banzatti, A. , Rosotti, G. , Mulders, G. D. , Lambrechts, M. , Long, F. , and Herczeg, G. J. , The Effect of Dust Evolution and Traps on Inner Disk Water Enrichment, \apj, vol. 954, p. 66, 2023.
H. - T. Wang and Shao, L. , Effect of noise estimation in time-domain ringdown analysis: A case study with GW150914, \prd, vol. 108, p. 123018, 2023.
M. LaHaye, Yang, H. , Bonga, B. , and Lyu, Z. , Efficient fully precessing gravitational waveforms for binaries with neutron stars, \prd, vol. 108, p. 043018, 2023.
S. - R. Zhang, Luo, Y. , Wu, X. - J. , Wang, J. - M. , Ho, L. C. , and Yuan, Y. - F. , Electromagnetic signatures of white dwarf collisions in AGN discs, \mnras, vol. 524, pp. 940-951, 2023.
T. J. Moriya, Galbany, L. , Jiménez-Palau, C. , Anderson, J. P. , Kuncarayakti, H. , Sánchez, S. F. , Lyman, J. D. , Pessi, T. , Prieto, J. L. , Kochanek, C. S. , Dong, S. , and Chen, P. , Environmental dependence of Type IIn supernova properties, \aap, vol. 677, p. A20, 2023.
H. Liu, Gao, Y. , Li, Z. , Dohi, A. , Wang, W. , Lü, G. L. , and Xu, R. X. , EOS-dependent millihertz quasi-periodic oscillation in low-mass X-ray binary, \mnras, vol. 525, pp. 2054-2068, 2023.
D. - C. Chen, Xie, J. - W. , Zhou, J. - L. , Dong, S. , Yang, J. - Y. , Zhu, W. , Liu, C. , Huang, Y. , Xiang, M. - S. , Wang, H. - F. , Zheng, Z. , Luo, A. - Li, Zhang, J. - H. , and Zhu, Z. , The evolution of hot Jupiters revealed by the age distribution of their host stars, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, vol. 120, p. e2304179120, 2023.
Y. Yao, Song, J. , Kong, X. , Fang, G. , Zhang, H. - X. , and Chen, X. , Evolution of Nonparametric Morphology of Galaxies in the JWST CEERS Field at z ≃ 0.8-3.0, \apj, vol. 954, p. 113, 2023.
K. Wang, Peng, E. W. , Liu, C. , J. Mihos, C. , Côté, P. , Ferrarese, L. , Taylor, M. A. , Blakeslee, J. P. , Cuillandre, J. - C. , Duc, P. - A. , Guhathakurta, P. , Gwyn, S. , Ko, Y. , Lançon, A. , Lim, S. , MacArthur, L. A. , Puzia, T. , Roediger, J. , Sales, L. V. , Sánchez-Janssen, R. , Spengler, C. , Toloba, E. , Zhang, H. , and Zhu, M. , An evolutionary continuum from nucleated dwarf galaxies to star clusters, \nat, vol. 623, pp. 296-300, 2023.
M. - Y. Zhuang and Ho, L. C. , Evolutionary paths of active galactic nuclei and their host galaxies, Nature Astronomy, vol. 7, pp. 1376-1389, 2023.
S. Zhong, Hayasaki, K. , Li, S. , Berczik, P. , and Spurzem, R. , Exploring the Origin of Stars on Bound and Unbound Orbits Causing Tidal Disruption Events, \apj, vol. 959, p. 19, 2023.
D. J. Zhou, Han, J. L. , Xu, J. , Wang, C. , Wang, P. F. , Wang, T. , Jing, W. - C. , Chen, X. , Yan, Y. , Su, W. - Q. , Gan, H. - Q. , Jiang, P. , Sun, J. - H. , Wang, H. - G. , Wang, N. , Wang, S. - Q. , Xu, R. - X. , and You, X. - P. , The FAST Galactic Plane Pulsar Snapshot Survey. II. Discovery of 76 Galactic Rotating Radio Transients and the Enigma of RRATs, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, vol. 23, p. 104001, 2023.
W. Q. Su, Han, J. L. , Wang, P. F. , Yuan, J.  P. , Wang, C. , Zhou, D. J. , Wang, T. , Yan, Y. , Jing, W. C. , Yang, Z. L. , Cai, N. N. , Chen, X. , Xu, J. , Xie, L. , Wang, H.  G. , Xu, R.  X. , and You, X.  P. , The FAST Galactic Plane Pulsar Snapshot Survey - III. Timing results of 30 newly discovered pulsars, \mnras, vol. 526, pp. 2645-2656, 2023.
D. J. Zhou, Han, J. L. , Jing, W. C. , Wang, P. F. , Wang, C. , Wang, T. , Wang, W. - Y. , Luo, R. , Xu, J. , Xu, R.  X. , and Wang, H.  G. , The FAST Galactic Plane Pulsar Snapshot survey - IV. Discovery of five fast radio bursts, \mnras, vol. 526, pp. 2657-2664, 2023.
Y. - K. Zhang, Li, D. , Zhang, B. , Cao, S. , Feng, Y. , Wang, W. - Y. , Qu, Y. , Niu, J. - R. , Zhu, W. - W. , Han, J. - L. , Jiang, P. , Lee, K. - J. , Li, D. - Z. , Luo, R. , Niu, C. - H. , Tsai, C. - W. , Wang, P. , Wang, F. - Y. , Wu, Z. - W. , Xu, H. , Yang, Y. - P. , Zhang, J. - S. , Zhou, D. - J. , and Zhu, Y. - H. , FAST Observations of FRB 20220912A: Burst Properties and Polarization Characteristics, \apj, vol. 955, p. 142, 2023.
