
Found 594 results
T. Jayasinghe, Kochanek, C.  S. , Stanek, K.  Z. , Shappee, B.  J. , Holoien, T.  W. - S. , Thompson, T.  A. , Prieto, J.  L. , Dong, S. , Britt, C.  A. , and Will, D. , ASAS-SN Discovery of 4880 Bright RR Lyrae Variable Stars, Research Notes of the American Astronomical Society, vol. 2, p. 18, 2018.
J. Shi, Wang, H. , Mo, H.  J. , Xie, L. , Wang, X. , Lapi, A. , and Sheth, R.  K. , Bimodal Formation Time Distribution for Infall Dark Matter Halos, apj, vol. 857, p. 127, 2018.
K. Hayasaki, Zhong, S. , Li, S. , Berczik, P. , and Spurzem, R. , Classification of Tidal Disruption Events Based on Stellar Orbital Properties, apj, vol. 855, p. 129, 2018.
C. Ma, de Grijs, R. , and Ho, L.  C. , Connections between Star Cluster Populations and Their Host Galaxy Nuclear Rings, apj, vol. 857, p. 116, 2018.
E. Toloba, Lim, S. , Peng, E. , Sales, L.  V. , Guhathakurta, P. , Mihos, J.  C. , Côté, P. , Boselli, A. , Cuillandre, J. - C. , Ferrarese, L. , Gwyn, S. , A. con, L. \c, Muñoz, R. , and Puzia, T. , Dark Matter in Ultra-diffuse Galaxies in the Virgo Cluster from Their Globular Cluster Populations, apjl, vol. 856, p. L31, 2018.
J. Yang, Wu, X. - B. , Liu, D. , Fan, X. , Yang, Q. , Wang, F. , McGreer, I.  D. , Fan, Z. , Yuan, S. , and Shan, H. , Deep CFHT Y-band Imaging of VVDS-F22 Field. II. Quasar Selection and Quasar Luminosity Function, aj, vol. 155, p. 110, 2018.
T. Finzell, Chomiuk, L. , Metzger, B.  D. , Walter, F.  M. , Linford, J.  D. , Mukai, K. , Nelson, T. , Weston, J.  H.  S. , Zheng, Y. , Sokoloski, J.  L. , Mioduszewski, A. , Rupen, M.  P. , Dong, S. , Starrfield, S. , Cheung, C.  C. , Woodward, C.  E. , Taylor, G.  B. , Bohlsen, T. , Buil, C. , Prieto, J. , Wagner, R.  M. , Bensby, T. , Bond, I.  A. , Sumi, T. , Bennett, D.  P. , Abe, F. , Koshimoto, N. , Suzuki, D. , Tristram, P.  J. , Christie, G.  W. , Natusch, T. , McCormick, J. , Yee, J. , and Gould, A. , A Detailed Observational Analysis of V1324 Sco, the Most Gamma-Ray-luminous Classical Nova to Date, apj, vol. 852, p. 108, 2018.
A. Schulze, Misawa, T. , Zuo, W. , and Wu, X. - B. , Discovery of Strong Balmer Line Absorption in Two Luminous LoBAL Quasars at z \sim 1.5, apj, vol. 853, p. 167, 2018.
H. Baumgardt, Amaro-Seoane, P. , and Schödel, R. , The distribution of stars around the Milky Way's central black hole. III. Comparison with simulations, aap, vol. 609, p. A28, 2018.
R. Schödel, Gallego-Cano, E. , Dong, H. , Nogueras-Lara, F. , Gallego-Calvente, A.  T. , Amaro-Seoane, P. , and Baumgardt, H. , The distribution of stars around the Milky Way's central black hole. II. Diffuse light from sub-giants and dwarfs, aap, vol. 609, p. A27, 2018.
E. Gallego-Cano, Schödel, R. , Dong, H. , Nogueras-Lara, F. , Gallego-Calvente, A.  T. , Amaro-Seoane, P. , and Baumgardt, H. , The distribution of stars around the Milky Way's central black hole. I. Deep star counts, aap, vol. 609, p. A26, 2018.
C. Chakraborty and Bhattacharyya, S. , Does the gravitomagnetic monopole exist? A clue from a black hole x-ray binary, prd, vol. 98, p. 043021, 2018.
M. Singh, Misra, K. , Sahu, D.  K. , Dastidar, R. , Gangopadhyay, A. , Bose, S. , Srivastav, S. , Anupama, G.  C. , Chakradhari, N.  K. , Kumar, B. , Kumar, B. , and Pandey, S.  B. , Exploring the optical behaviour of a Type Iax supernova SN 2014dt, mnras, vol. 474, pp. 2551-2563, 2018.
I.  D. McGreer, Fan, X. , Jiang, L. , and Cai, Z. , The Faint End of the z\nbsp=\nbsp5 Quasar Luminosity Function from the CFHTLS, aj, vol. 155, p. 131, 2018.
S. Bose, Dong, S. , Pastorello, A. , Filippenko, A.  V. , Kochanek, C.  S. , Mauerhan, J. , Romero-Cañizales, C. , Brink, T.  G. , Chen, P. , Prieto, J.  L. , Post, R. , Ashall, C. , Grupe, D. , Tomasella, L. , Benetti, S. , Shappee, B.  J. , Stanek, K.  Z. , Cai, Z. , Falco, E. , Lundqvist, P. , Mattila, S. , Mutel, R. , Ochner, P. , Pooley, D. , Stritzinger, M.  D. , , , Zheng, W. , Beswick, R.  J. , Brown, P.  J. , Cappellaro, E. , Davis, S. , Fraser, M. , de Jaeger, T. , Elias-Rosa, N. , Gall, C. , Gaudi, B.  S. , Herczeg, G.  J. , Hestenes, J. , Holoien, T.  W. - S. , Hosseinzadeh, G. , Hsiao, E.  Y. , Hu, S. , Jaejin, S. , Jeffers, B. , Koff, R.  A. , Kumar, S. , Kurtenkov, A. , Lau, M.  W. , Prentice, S. , Reynolds, T. , Rudy, R.  J. , Shahbandeh, M. , Somero, A. , Stassun, K.  G. , Thompson, T.  A. , Valenti, S. , Woo, J. - H. , and Yunus, S. , Gaia17biu/SN 2017egm in NGC 3191: The Closest Hydrogen-poor Superluminous Supernova to Date Is in a łdquo}Normal,\rdquo Massive, Metal-rich Spiral Galaxy, apj, vol. 853, p. 57, 2018.
J. Shangguan, Ho, L.  C. , and Xie, Y. , On the Gas Content and Efficiency of AGN Feedback in Low-redshift Quasars, apj, vol. 854, p. 158, 2018.
C. Maureira-Fredes and Amaro-Seoane, P. , GRAVIDY, a GPU modular, parallel direct-summation N-body integrator: dynamics with softening, mnras, vol. 473, pp. 3113-3127, 2018.
K. Wang, Liu, R. - Y. , Dai, Z. - G. , and Asano, K. , Hadronic Origin of Prompt High-energy Emission of Gamma-ray Bursts Revisited: In the Case of a Limited Maximum Proton Energy, apj, vol. 857, p. 24, 2018.
A. Karska, Kaufman, M.  J. , Kristensen, L.  E. , van Dishoeck, E.  F. , Herczeg, G.  J. , Mottram, J.  C. , Tychoniec, Ł. , Lindberg, J.  E. , , , Green, J.  D. , Yang, Y. - L. , Gusdorf, A. , Itrich, D. , and Siódmiak, N. , The Herschel-PACS Legacy of Low-mass Protostars: The Properties of Warm and Hot Gas Components and Their Origin in Far-UV Illuminated Shocks, apjs, vol. 235, p. 30, 2018.
B.  M. Smith, Windhorst, R.  A. , Jansen, R.  A. , Cohen, S.  H. , Jiang, L. , Dijkstra, M. , Koekemoer, A.  M. , Bielby, R. , Inoue, A.  K. , MacKenty, J.  W. , O\rsquoConnell, R.  W. , and Silk, J.  I. , Hubble Space Telescope\nbsp Wide Field Camera 3 Observations of Escaping Lyman Continuum Radiation from Galaxies and Weak AGN at Redshifts z\nbsp\sim\nbsp2.3\ndash4.1, apj, vol. 853, p. 191, 2018.
T.  C. Fischer, Kraemer, S.  B. , Schmitt, H.  R. , Micchi, L.  F. Longo, Crenshaw, D.  M. , Revalski, M. , Vestergaard, M. , Elvis, M. , Gaskell, C.  M. , Hamann, F. , Ho, L.  C. , Hutchings, J. , Mushotzky, R. , Netzer, H. , Storchi-Bergmann, T. , Straughn, A. , Turner, T.  J. , and Ward, M.  J. , Hubble Space Telescope Observations of Extended [O III]{$łambda$} 5007 Emission in Nearby QSO2s: New Constraints on AGN Host Galaxy Interaction, apj, vol. 856, p. 102, 2018.
D. Johnstone, Herczeg, G.  J. , Mairs, S. , Hatchell, J. , Bower, G.  C. , Kirk, H. , Lane, J. , Bell, G.  S. , Graves, S. , Aikawa, Y. , Chen, H. - R.  V. , Chen, W. - P. , Kang, M. , Kang, S. - J. , Lee, J. - E. , Morata, O. , Pon, A. , Scicluna, P. , Scholz, A. , Takahashi, S. , Yoo, H. , and Team, T. J. C. M. T. Trans, The JCMT Transient Survey: Stochastic and Secular Variability of Protostars and Disks In the Submillimeter Region Observed over 18 Months, apj, vol. 854, p. 31, 2018.
X.  Y. Dong, Wu, X. - B. , Ai, Y.  L. , Yang, J.  Y. , Yang, Q. , Wang, F. , Zhang, Y.  X. , Luo, A.  L. , Xu, H. , Yuan, H.  L. , Zhang, J.  N. , Wang, M.  X. , Wang, L.  L. , Li, Y.  B. , Zuo, F. , Hou, W. , Guo, Y.  X. , Kong, X. , Chen, X.  Y. , Wu, Y. , Yang, H.  F. , and Yang, M. , The Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fibre Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST) Quasar Survey: Quasar Properties from Data Release Two and Three, aj, vol. 155, p. 189, 2018.
K. Ota, Venemans, B.  P. , Taniguchi, Y. , Kashikawa, N. , Nakata, F. , Harikane, Y. , Bañados, E. , Overzier, R. , Riechers, D.  A. , Walter, F. , Toshikawa, J. , Shibuya, T. , and Jiang, L. , Large-scale Environment of a z = 6.61 Luminous Quasar Probed by Ly{$\alpha$} Emitters and Lyman Break Galaxies, apj, vol. 856, p. 109, 2018.
D.  J. Rosario, Burtscher, L. , Davies, R.  I. , Koss, M. , Ricci, C. , Lutz, D. , Riffel, R. , Alexander, D.  M. , Genzel, R. , Hicks, E.  H. , Lin, M. - Y. , Maciejewski, W. , Müller-Sánchez, F. , G. de Xivry, O. , Riffel, R.  A. , Schartmann, M. , Schawinski, K. , Schnorr-Muller, A. , Saintonge, A. , Shimizu, T. , Sternberg, A. , Storchi-Bergmann, T. , Sturm, E. , Tacconi, L. , Treister, E. , and Veilleux, S. , LLAMA: normal star formation efficiencies of molecular gas in the centres of luminous Seyfert galaxies, mnras, vol. 473, pp. 5658-5679, 2018.
