
Found 2624 results
M. - Y. Zhuang, Ho, L. C. , and Shangguan, J. , The Infrared Emission and Opening Angle of the Torus in Quasars, \apj, vol. 862, p. 118, 2018.
Y.  H. Xu, Lee, K.  J. , Hao, L.  F. , Wang, H.  G. , Liu, Z.  Y. , Yue, Y.  L. , Yuan, J.  P. , Li, Z.  X. , Wang, M. , Dong, J. , Tan, J.  J. , Chen, W. , and Bai, J.  M. , Interstellar scintillation observations for PSR B0355+54, \mnras, vol. 476, pp. 5579-5590, 2018.
L.  K. Dewangan, Baug, T. , Ojha, D.  K. , and Ghosh, S.  K. , Investigating Inner and Large-scale Physical Environments of IRAS 17008-4040 and IRAS 17009-4042 toward L = 345.°5, B = 0.°3, \apj, vol. 869, p. 30, 2018.
P. G. Boorman, Gandhi, P. , Baloković, M. , Brightman, M. , Harrison, F. , Ricci, C. , and Stern, D. , An Iwasawa-Taniguchi effect for Compton-thick active galactic nuclei, \mnras, vol. 477, pp. 3775-3790, 2018.
D. Johnstone, Herczeg, G.  J. , Mairs, S. , Hatchell, J. , Bower, G.  C. , Kirk, H. , Lane, J. , Bell, G.  S. , Graves, S. , Aikawa, Y. , Chen, H. - R.  V. , Chen, W. - P. , Kang, M. , Kang, S. - J. , Lee, J. - E. , Morata, O. , Pon, A. , Scicluna, P. , Scholz, A. , Takahashi, S. , Yoo, H. , and Team, T. J. C. M. T. Trans, The JCMT Transient Survey: Stochastic and Secular Variability of Protostars and Disks In the Submillimeter Region Observed over 18 Months, apj, vol. 854, p. 31, 2018.
D. Johnstone, Herczeg, G. J. , Mairs, S. , Hatchell, J. , Bower, G. C. , Kirk, H. , Lane, J. , Bell, G. S. , Graves, S. , Aikawa, Y. , Chen, H. - R. Vivien, Chen, W. - P. , Kang, M. , Kang, S. -ju, Lee, J. - E. , Morata, O. , Pon, A. , Scicluna, P. , Scholz, A. , Takahashi, S. , and Yoo, H. , The JCMT Transient Survey: Stochastic and Secular Variability of Protostars and Disks In the Submillimeter Region Observed over 18 Months, \apj, vol. 854, p. 31, 2018.
J. Zhang, Zhang, H. - M. , Yao, S. , Guo, S. - C. , Lu, R. - J. , and Liang, E. - W. , Jet Radiation Properties of 4C +49.22: from the Core to Large-scale Knots, \apj, vol. 865, p. 100, 2018.
A. Saintonge, Wilson, C. D. , Xiao, T. , Lin, L. , Hwang, H. Seong, Tosaki, T. , Bureau, M. , Cigan, P. J. , Clark, C. J.  R. , Clements, D. L. , De Looze, I. , Dharmawardena, T. , Gao, Y. , Gear, W. K. , Greenslade, J. , Lamperti, I. , Lee, J. Chul, Li, C. , Michałowski, M. J. , Mok, A. , Pan, H. - A. , Sansom, A. E. , Sargent, M. , Smith, M. W.  L. , Williams, T. , Yang, C. , Zhu, M. , Accurso, G. , Barmby, P. , Brinks, E. , Bourne, N. , Brown, T. , Chung, A. , Chung, E. Jung, Cibinel, A. , Coppin, K. , Davies, J. , Davis, T. A. , Eales, S. , Fanciullo, L. , Fang, T. , Gao, Y. , Glass, D. H.  W. , Gomez, H. L. , Greve, T. , He, J. , Ho, L. C. , Huang, F. , Jeong, H. , Jiang, X. , Jiao, Q. , Kemper, F. , Kim, J. Hoon, Kim, M. , Kim, T. , Ko, J. , Kong, X. , Lacaille, K. , Lacey, C. G. , Lee, B. , Lee, J. Hyeop, Lee, W. - K. , Masters, K. , Oh, S. - H. , Papadopoulos, P. , Park, C. , Park, S. - J. , Parsons, H. , Rowlands, K. , Scicluna, P. , Scudder, J. M. , Sethuram, R. , Serjeant, S. , Shao, Y. , Sheen, Y. - Kyeong, Shi, Y. , Shim, H. , Smith, C. M.  A. , Spekkens, K. , Tsai, A. - L. , Verma, A. , Urquhart, S. , Violino, G. , Viti, S. , Wake, D. , Wang, J. , Wouterloot, J. , Yang, Y. , Yim, K. , Yuan, F. , and Zheng, Z. , JINGLE, a JCMT legacy survey of dust and gas for galaxy evolution studies - I. Survey overview and first results, \mnras, vol. 481, pp. 3497-3519, 2018.
L. F. Sartori, Schawinski, K. , Koss, M. J. , Ricci, C. , Treister, E. , Stern, D. , Lansbury, G. , W. Maksym, P. , Baloković, M. , Gandhi, P. , Keel, W. C. , and Ballantyne, D. R. , Joint NuSTAR and Chandra analysis of the obscured quasar in IC 2497 - Hanny's Voorwerp system, \mnras, vol. 474, pp. 2444-2451, 2018.
Z. Cai, Hamden, E. , Matuszewski, M. , J. Prochaska, X. , Li, Q. , Cantalupo, S. , Battaia, F. Arrigoni, Martin, C. , Neill, J. D. , O'Sullivan, D. , Wang, R. , Moore, A. , and Morrissey, P. , Keck/Palomar Cosmic Web Imagers Reveal an Enormous Ly\ensuremath\alpha} Nebula in an Extremely Overdense Quasi- stellar Object Pair Field at z = 2.45}, \apj, vol. 861, p. L3, 2018.
H. - Y. Shan, Liu, X. - K. , Hildebrandt, H. , Pan, C. - Z. , Martinet, N. , Fan, Z. , Schneider, P. , Asgari, M. , Harnois-Déraps, J. , Hoekstra, H. , Wright, A. , Dietrich, J. P. , Erben, T. , Getman, F. , Grado, A. , Heymans, C. , Klaes, D. , Kuijken, K. , Merten, J. , Puddu, E. , Radovich, M. , and Wang, Q. , KiDS-450: cosmological constraints from weak lensing peak statistics. I. Inference from analytical prediction of high signal-to-noise ratio convergence peaks, MNRAS, vol. 474, p. 1116, 2018.
Y. Huang, Schönrich, R. , Liu, X. - W. , Chen, B. - Q. , Zhang, H. - W. , Yuan, H. - B. , Xiang, M. - S. , Wang, C. , and Tian, Z. - J. , On the Kinematic Signature of the Galactic Warp As Revealed By the LAMOST-TGAS Data, \apj, vol. 864, p. 129, 2018.
A. Longobardi, Arnaboldi, M. , Gerhard, O. , Pulsoni, C. , and Söldner-Rembold, I. , Kinematics of the outer halo of M 87 as mapped by planetary nebulae\ensuremath\star}}, \aap, vol. 620, p. A111, 2018.
W. Byun, Sheen, Y. - K. , Ho, L. C. , Lee, J. Hyeop, Kim, S. Chul, Jeong, H. , Park, B. - G. , Seon, K. - I. , Lee, Y. , Cha, S. - M. , and Kim, M. , KMTNet Nearby Galaxy Survey. I. Optimal Strategy for Low Surface Brightness Imaging with KMTNet, \aj, vol. 156, p. 249, 2018.
S. Oh, Kim, K. , Lee, J. Hyeop, Sheen, Y. - Kyeong, Kim, M. , Ree, C. H. , Ho, L. C. , Kyeong, J. , Sung, E. - C. , Park, B. - Gon, and Yi, S. K. , KYDISC: Galaxy Morphology, Quenching, and Mergers in the Cluster Environment, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, vol. 237, p. 14, 2018.
W. Zong, Fu, J. - N. , De Cat, P. , Shi, J. , Luo, A. , Zhang, H. , Frasca, A. , Corbally, C.  J. , Molenda-Żakowicz, J. , Catanzaro, G. , Gray, R.  O. , Wang, J. , Pan, Y. , Ren, A. , Zhang, R. , Jin, M. , Wu, Y. , Dong, S. , Xie, J. - W. , Zhang, W. , Hou, Y. , and collaboration, L. A. M. O. S. T. - K. , LAMOST Observations in the Kepler Field. II. Database of the Low- resolution Spectra from the Five-year Regular Survey, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, vol. 238, p. 30, 2018.
S. Dong, Xie, J. - W. , Zhou, J. - L. , Zheng, Z. , and Luo, A. , LAMOST telescope reveals that Neptunian cousins of hot Jupiters are mostly single offspring of stars that are rich in heavy elements, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, vol. 115, pp. 266-271, 2018.
R. Cao, Liu, F.  K. , Zhou, Z.  Q. , Komossa, S. , and Ho, L.  C. , A large accretion disc of extreme eccentricity in the TDE ASASSN-14li, \mnras, vol. 480, pp. 2929-2938, 2018.
R. Cao, Liu, F.  K. , Zhou, Z.  Q. , Komossa, S. , and Ho, L.  C. , A large accretion disc of extreme eccentricity in the TDE ASASSN-14li, \mnras, vol. 480, pp. 2929-2938, 2018.
G. Desvignes, Eatough, R.  P. , Pen, U.  L. , Lee, K.  J. , Mao, S.  A. , Karuppusamy, R. , Schnitzeler, D.  H.  F.  M. , Falcke, H. , Kramer, M. , Wucknitz, O. , Spitler, L.  G. , Torne, P. , Liu, K. , Bower, G.  C. , Cognard, I. , Lyne, A.  G. , and Stappers, B.  W. , Large Magneto-ionic Variations toward the Galactic Center Magnetar, PSR J1745-2900, \apj, vol. 852, p. L12, 2018.
X.  Y. Dong, Wu, X. - B. , Ai, Y.  L. , Yang, J.  Y. , Yang, Q. , Wang, F. , Zhang, Y.  X. , Luo, A.  L. , Xu, H. , Yuan, H.  L. , Zhang, J.  N. , Wang, M.  X. , Wang, L.  L. , Li, Y.  B. , Zuo, F. , Hou, W. , Guo, Y.  X. , Kong, X. , Chen, X.  Y. , Wu, Y. , Yang, H.  F. , and Yang, M. , The Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fibre Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST) Quasar Survey: Quasar Properties from Data Release Two and Three, aj, vol. 155, p. 189, 2018.
X.  Y. Dong, Wu, X. - B. , Ai, Y.  L. , Yang, J.  Y. , Yang, Q. , Wang, F. , Zhang, Y.  X. , Luo, A.  L. , Xu, H. , Yuan, H.  L. , Zhang, J.  N. , Wang, M.  X. , Wang, L.  L. , Li, Y.  B. , Zuo, F. , Hou, W. , Guo, Y.  X. , Kong, X. , Chen, X.  Y. , Wu, Y. , Yang, H.  F. , and Yang, M. , The Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fibre Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST) Quasar Survey: Quasar Properties from Data Release Two and Three, \aj, vol. 155, p. 189, 2018.
K. Ota, Venemans, B.  P. , Taniguchi, Y. , Kashikawa, N. , Nakata, F. , Harikane, Y. , Bañados, E. , Overzier, R. , Riechers, D.  A. , Walter, F. , Toshikawa, J. , Shibuya, T. , and Jiang, L. , Large-scale Environment of a z = 6.61 Luminous Quasar Probed by Ly{$\alpha$} Emitters and Lyman Break Galaxies, apj, vol. 856, p. 109, 2018.
K. Ota, Venemans, B. P. , Taniguchi, Y. , Kashikawa, N. , Nakata, F. , Harikane, Y. , Bañados, E. , Overzier, R. , Riechers, D. A. , Walter, F. , Toshikawa, J. , Shibuya, T. , and Jiang, L. , Large-scale Environment of a z = 6.61 Luminous Quasar Probed by Ly\ensuremath\alpha} Emitters and Lyman Break Galaxies}, \apj, vol. 856, p. 109, 2018.
C. Wang, Liu, X. - W. , Huang, Y. , Xiang, M. - S. , Ren, J. - J. , Yuan, H. - B. , Chen, B. - Q. , Tian, Z. - J. , Bai, J. - M. , Sun, N. - C. , Zuo, F. , Zhang, H. - W. , Zhang, Y. - W. , Fan, Z. , Luo, A. - L. , Shi, J. - R. , Li, J. , and Shao, Y. - L. , LEMONY - a library of empirical medium-resolution spectra by observations with the NAOC Xinglong 2.16-m and YNAO Gaomeigu 2.4-m telescopes, \mnras, vol. 480, pp. 4766-4781, 2018.
