
Found 2624 results
M. J. Koss, Blecha, L. , Bernhard, P. , Hung, C. - L. , Lu, J. R. , Trakthenbrot, B. , Treister, E. , Weigel, A. , Sartori, L. F. , Mushotzky, R. , Schawinski, K. , Ricci, C. , Veilleux, S. , and Sanders, D. B. , A population of luminous accreting black holes with hidden mergers, \nat, vol. 563, pp. 214-216, 2018.
A. C. Gupta, Tripathi, A. , Wiita, P. J. , Gu, M. , Bambi, C. , and Ho, L. C. , Possible 1 hour quasi-periodic oscillation in narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy MCG-06-30-15, \aap, vol. 616, p. L6, 2018.
C.  L. Rodriguez, Amaro-Seoane, P. , Chatterjee, S. , and Rasio, F.  A. , Post-Newtonian Dynamics in Dense Star Clusters: Highly Eccentric, Highly Spinning, and Repeated Binary Black Hole Mergers, Physical Review Letters, vol. 120, p. 151101, 2018.
F. B. Davies, Hennawi, J. F. , Bañados, E. , Simcoe, R. A. , Decarli, R. , Fan, X. , Farina, E. P. , Mazzucchelli, C. , Rix, H. - W. , Venemans, B. P. , Walter, F. , Wang, F. , and Yang, J. , Predicting Quasar Continua near Ly\ensuremath\alpha} with Principal Component Analysis}, \apj, vol. 864, p. 143, 2018.
J. Wang, Zheng, Z. , D'Souza, R. , Mo, H. , Józsa, G. , Li, C. , Kamphuis, P. , Catinella, B. , Shao, L. , Lagos, Cdel P. , Du, M. , and Pan, Z. , The prevalence of type III disc breaks in H I-rich and low-spin galaxies, \mnras, vol. 479, pp. 4292-4306, 2018.
M. Tang, Liu, T. , Qin, S. - L. , Kim, K. - T. , Wu, Y. , Tatematsu, K. 'ichi, Yuan, J. , Wang, K. , Parsons, H. , Koch, P. M. , Sanhueza, P. , Ward-Thompson, D. , L. Tóth, V. , Soam, A. , Lee, C. Won, Eden, D. , Di Francesco, J. , Rawlings, J. , Rawlings, M. G. , Montillaud, J. , Zhang, C. - Peng, and Cunningham, M.  R. , The Properties of Planck Galactic Cold Clumps in the L1495 Dark Cloud, \apj, vol. 856, p. 141, 2018.
X.  Y. Lai, Yun, C.  A. , Lu, J.  G. , Lü, G.  L. , Wang, Z.  J. , and Xu, R.  X. , Pulsar glitches in a strangeon star model, \mnras, vol. 476, pp. 3303-3309, 2018.
G. Li, Fu, J. , Su, J. , Fox-Machado, L. , Michel, R. , Guo, Z. , Liu, J. , and Feng, G. , Pulsations and period variations of the δ Scuti star AN Lyncis in a possible three-body system, MNRAS, vol. 473, p. 398, 2018.
F. B. Davies, Hennawi, J. F. , Bañados, E. , Lukić, Z. , Decarli, R. , Fan, X. , Farina, E. P. , Mazzucchelli, C. , Rix, H. - W. , Venemans, B. P. , Walter, F. , Wang, F. , and Yang, J. , Quantitative Constraints on the Reionization History from the IGM Damping Wing Signature in Two Quasars at z > 7, \apj, vol. 864, p. 142, 2018.
P. Sánchez-Sáez, Lira, P. , Mejía-Restrepo, J. , Ho, L.  C. , Arevalo, P. , Kim, M. , Cartier, R. , and Coppi, P. , The QUEST─La Silla AGN Variability Survey: Connection between AGN Variability and Black Hole Physical Properties, \apj, vol. 864, p. 87, 2018.
M. Yang, Bonanos, A. Z. , Jiang, B. - W. , Gao, J. , Xue, M. - Y. , Wang, S. , Lam, M. I. , Spetsieri, Z. T. , Ren, Y. , and Gavras, P. , Red supergiant stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud. II. Infrared properties and mid-infrared variability, \aap, vol. 616, p. A175, 2018.
A. Alonso-Herrero, Pereira-Santaella, M. , García-Burillo, S. , Davies, R.  I. , Combes, F. , Asmus, D. , Bunker, A. , Díaz-Santos, T. , Gandhi, P. , González-Martín, O. , Hernán-Caballero, A. , Hicks, E. , Hönig, S. , Labiano, A. , Levenson, N.  A. , Packham, C. , C. Almeida, R. , Ricci, C. , Rigopoulou, D. , Rosario, D. , Sani, E. , and Ward, M.  J. , Resolving the Nuclear Obscuring Disk in the Compton-thick Seyfert Galaxy NGC 5643 with ALMA, \apj, vol. 859, p. 144, 2018.
W. Ishibashi, Fabian, A.  C. , Ricci, C. , and Celotti, A. , Revisiting the `forbidden' region: AGN radiative feedback with radiation trapping, \mnras, vol. 479, pp. 3335-3342, 2018.
Y. - Y. Chang, Ferraro, N. , Wang, W. - H. , Lim, C. - F. , Toba, Y. , An, F. , Chen, C. - C. , Smail, I. , Shim, H. , Ao, Y. , Bunker, A. , Conselice, C. J. , Cowley, W. , da Cunha, E. , Fan, L. , Goto, T. , Guo, K. , Ho, L. C. , Hwang, H. Seong, Lee, C. - H. , Lee, M. , Michałowski, M. J. , Oteo, I. , Scott, D. , Serjeant, S. , Shu, X. , Simpson, J. , and Urquhart, S. , SCUBA-2 Ultra Deep Imaging EAO Survey (STUDIES). II. Structural Properties and Near-infrared Morphologies of Faint Submillimeter Galaxies, \apj, vol. 865, p. 103, 2018.
H. Yang, Yuan, W. , Yao, S. , Li, Y. , Zhang, J. , Zhou, H. , Komossa, S. , Liu, H. - Y. , and Jin, C. , SDSS J211852.96-073227.5: a new \ensuremath\gamma}-ray flaring narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy}, \mnras, vol. 477, pp. 5127-5138, 2018.
D. Homma, Chiba, M. , Okamoto, S. , Komiyama, Y. , Tanaka, M. , Tanaka, M. , Ishigaki, M. N. , Hayashi, K. , Arimoto, N. , Garmilla, J. A. , Lupton, R. H. , Strauss, M. A. , Miyazaki, S. , Wang, S. - Y. , and Murayama, H. , Searches for new Milky Way satellites from the first two years of data of the Subaru/Hyper Suprime-Cam survey: Discovery of Cetus III, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, vol. 70, p. S18, 2018.
H. Zou, Zhang, T. , Zhou, Z. , Peng, X. , Nie, J. , Zhou, X. , Fan, X. , Jiang, L. , McGreer, I. , Dey, A. , Fan, D. , Findlay, J. R. , Gao, J. , Gu, Y. , Guo, Y. , He, B. , Jin, J. , Kong, X. , Lang, D. , Lei, F. , Lesser, M. , Li, F. , Ma, J. , Meng, X. , Maxwell, M. , Myers, A. D. , Rui, L. , Schlegel, D. , Sun, F. , Wu, H. , Wang, J. , and Yuan, Q. , The Second Data Release of the Beijing─Arizona Sky Survey, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, vol. 237, p. 37, 2018.
B. - Q. Chen, Liu, X. - W. , Yuan, H. - B. , Xiang, M. - S. , Huang, Y. , Wang, C. , Zhang, H. - W. , and Tian, Z. - J. , The selection function of the LAMOST Spectroscopic Survey of the Galactic Anti-centre, \mnras, vol. 476, pp. 3278-3289, 2018.
Z. - Y. Li, Shen, J. , Bureau, M. , Zhou, Y. , Du, M. , and Debattista, V.  P. , Shape of LOSVDs in Barred Disks: Implications for Future IFU Surveys, apj, vol. 854, p. 65, 2018.
Z. - Y. Li, Shen, J. , Bureau, M. , Zhou, Y. , Du, M. , and Debattista, V. P. , Shape of LOSVDs in Barred Disks: Implications for Future IFU Surveys, \apj, vol. 854, p. 65, 2018.
M. Molina, Eracleous, M. , Barth, A. J. , Maoz, D. , Runnoe, J. C. , Ho, L. C. , Shields, J. C. , and Walsh, J. L. , The Shocking Power Sources of LINERs, \apj, vol. 864, p. 90, 2018.
S. Dong, Katz, B. , Kollmeier, J. A. , Kushnir, D. , Elias-Rosa, N. , Bose, S. , Morrell, N. , Prieto, J.  L. , Chen, P. , Kochanek, C.  S. , Brandt, G.  M. , Holoien, T.  W. - S. , Gal-Yam, A. , Morales-Garoffolo, A. , Parker, S. , Phillips, M.  M. , Piro, A. L. , Shappee, B.  J. , Simon, J. D. , and Stanek, K.  Z. , A significantly off-centre $^56$Ni distribution for the low-luminosity type Ia supernova SN 2016brx from the 100IAS survey}, \mnras, vol. 479, pp. L70-L75, 2018.
T.  H. Randriamampandry, Deg, N. , Carignan, C. , and Widrow, L.  M. , Simulating non-axisymmetric flows in disk galaxies, \aap, vol. 618, p. A106, 2018.
C. Zhang, Yu, Q. , and Lu, Y. , Simulating the Galaxy Cluster “El Gordo”: Gas Motion, Kinetic Sunyaev- Zel’dovich Signal, and X-Ray Line Features, \apj, vol. 855, p. 36, 2018.
C. Zhang, Yu, Q. , and Lu, Y. , Simulating the Galaxy Cluster łdquo}El Gordo\rdquo: Gas Motion, Kinetic Sunyaev\ndashZel\rsquodovich Signal, and X-Ray Line Features, apj, vol. 855, p. 36, 2018.
