
Found 594 results
A.  J. Barth, Darling, J. , Baker, A.  J. , Boizelle, B.  D. , Buote, D.  A. , Ho, L.  C. , and Walsh, J.  L. , Toward Precision Black Hole Masses with ALMA: NGC 1332 as a Case Study in Molecular Disk Dynamics, apj, vol. 823, p. 51, 2016.
K. Liu, Bassa, C.  G. , Janssen, G.  H. , Karuppusamy, R. , McKee, J. , Kramer, M. , Lee, K.  J. , Perrodin, D. , Purver, M. , Sanidas, S. , Smits, R. , Stappers, B.  W. , Weltevrede, P. , and Zhu, W.  W. , Variability, polarimetry, and timing properties of single pulses from PSR J1713+0747 using the Large European Array for Pulsars, mnras, vol. 463, pp. 3239-3248, 2016.
D.  R. Madison, Zhu, X. - J. , Hobbs, G. , Coles, W. , Shannon, R.  M. , Wang, J.  B. , Tiburzi, C. , Manchester, R.  N. , Bailes, M. , Bhat, N.  D.  R. , Burke-Spolaor, S. , Dai, S. , Dempsey, J. , Keith, M. , Kerr, M. , Lasky, P. , Levin, Y. , Osłowski, S. , Ravi, V. , Reardon, D. , Rosado, P. , Spiewak, R. , van Straten, W. , Toomey, L. , Wen, L. , and You, X. , Versatile directional searches for gravitational waves with Pulsar Timing Arrays, mnras, vol. 455, pp. 3662-3673, 2016.
I.  A. McNabb, Fang, X. , and Liu, X. - W. , Very Large Telescope deep echelle spectroscopy of Galactic planetary nebulae NGC 6153, M 1-42 and Hf 2-2, mnras, vol. 461, pp. 2818-2846, 2016.
C. Ricci, Ueda, Y. , Koss, M.  J. , Trakhtenbrot, B. , Bauer, F.  E. , and Gandhi, P. , VizieR Online Data Catalog: Compton-thick AGNs from the 70-month Swift/BAT cat. (Ricci+, 2015), VizieR Online Data Catalog, vol. 181, 2016.
V. Ripepi, Marconi, M. , Moretti, M.  I. , Clementini, G. , Cioni, M. - R.  L. , de Grijs, R. , Emerson, J.  P. , Groenewegen, M.  A.  T. , Ivanov, V.  D. , and Piatti, A.  E. , The VMC Survey. XIX. Classical Cepheids in the Small Magellanic Cloud, apjs, vol. 224, p. 21, 2016.
M. - R.  L. Cioni, Bekki, K. , Girardi, L. , de Grijs, R. , Irwin, M.  J. , Ivanov, V.  D. , Marconi, M. , Oliveira, J.  M. , Piatti, A.  E. , Ripepi, V. , and van Loon, J.  T. , The VMC survey. XVII. Proper motions of the Small Magellanic Cloud and the Milky Way globular cluster 47 Tucanae, aap, vol. 586, p. A77, 2016.
M.  I. Moretti, Clementini, G. , Ripepi, V. , Marconi, M. , Rubele, S. , Cioni, M. - R.  L. , Muraveva, T. , Groenewegen, M.  A.  T. , Cross, N.  J.  G. , Ivanov, V.  D. , Piatti, A.  E. , and de Grijs, R. , The VMC survey - XX. Identification of new Cepheids in the Small Magellanic Cloud, mnras, vol. 459, pp. 1687-1697, 2016.
N. - C. Sun, de Grijs, R. , Subramanian, S. , Cioni, M. - R.  L. , Rubele, S. , Bekki, K. , Ivanov, V.  D. , Piatti, A.  E. , and Ripepi, V. , The VMC Survey XXII. Hierarchical Star Formation in the 30 Doradus-N158-N159-N160 Star-Forming Complex, ArXiv e-prints, 2016.
N. van der Marel, Verhaar, B.  W. , van Terwisga, S. , Merin, B. , Herczeg, G. , Ligterink, N.  F.  W. , and van Dishoeck, E.  F. , The (w)hole survey: an unbiased sample study of transition disk candidates based on Spitzer catalogs, ArXiv e-prints, 2016.
Z. Fan, Wang, H. , Jiang, X. , Wu, H. , Li, H. , Huang, Y. , Xu, D. , Hu, Z. , Zhu, Y. , Wang, J. , Komossa, S. , and Zhang, X. , The Xinglong 2.16-m Telescope: Current Instruments and Scientific Projects, pasp, vol. 128, p. 115005, 2016.
Z. Liu, Merloni, A. , Georgakakis, A. , Menzel, M. - L. , Buchner, J. , Nandra, K. , Salvato, M. , Shen, Y. , Brusa, M. , and Streblyanska, A. , X-ray spectral properties of the AGN sample in the northern XMM-XXL field, mnras, vol. 459, pp. 1602-1625, 2016.
C.  F. Manara, Fedele, D. , Herczeg, G.  J. , and Teixeira, P.  S. , X-Shooter study of accretion in Chamaeleon I, aap, vol. 585, p. A136, 2016.
B.  J. Shappee, Piro, A.  L. , Holoien, T.  W. - S. , Prieto, J.  L. , Contreras, C. , Itagaki, K. , Burns, C.  R. , Kochanek, C.  S. , Stanek, K.  Z. , Alper, E. , Basu, U. , Beacom, J.  F. , Bersier, D. , Brimacombe, J. , Conseil, E. , Danilet, A.  B. , Dong, S. , Falco, E. , Grupe, D. , Hsiao, E.  Y. , Kiyota, S. , Morrell, N. , Nicolas, J. , Phillips, M.  M. , Pojmanski, G. , Simonian, G. , Stritzinger, M. , Szczygieł, D.  M. , Taddia, F. , Thompson, T.  A. , Thorstensen, J. , Wagner, M.  R. , and Woźniak, P.  R. , The Young and Bright Type Ia Supernova ASASSN-14lp: Discovery, Early-time Observations, First-light Time, Distance to NGC 4666, and Progenitor Constraints, apj, vol. 826, p. 144, 2016.
R. de Grijs, Ma, C. , Jia, S. , Ho, L.  C. , and Anders, P. , Young star clusters in circumnuclear starburst rings, ArXiv e-prints, 2016.
B.  P. Bowler, Andrews, S.  M. , Kraus, A.  L. , Ireland, M.  J. , Herczeg, G. , Ricci, L. , Carpenter, J. , and Brown, M.  E. , An ALMA Constraint on the GSC 6214-210 B Circum-substellar Accretion Disk Mass, apjl, vol. 805, p. L17, 2015.
A.  L. Kraus, Andrews, S.  M. , Bowler, B.  P. , Herczeg, G. , Ireland, M.  J. , Liu, M.  C. , Metchev, S. , and Cruz, K.  L. , An ALMA Disk Mass for the Candidate Protoplanetary Companion to FW Tau, \apjl, vol. 798, p. L23, 2015.
P. Lazarus, Brazier, A. , Hessels, J.  W.  T. , Karako-Argaman, C. , Kaspi, V.  M. , Lynch, R. , Madsen, E. , Patel, C. , Ransom, S.  M. , Scholz, P. , Swiggum, J. , Zhu, W.  W. , Allen, B. , Bogdanov, S. , Camilo, F. , Cardoso, F. , Chatterjee, S. , Cordes, J.  M. , Crawford, F. , Deneva, J.  S. , Ferdman, R. , Freire, P.  C.  C. , Jenet, F.  A. , Knispel, B. , Lee, K.  J. , van Leeuwen, J. , Lorimer, D.  R. , Lyne, A.  G. , McLaughlin, M.  A. , Siemens, X. , Spitler, L.  G. , Stairs, I.  H. , Stovall, K. , and Venkataraman, A. , Arecibo Pulsar Survey Using ALFA. IV. Mock Spectrometer Data Analysis, Survey Sensitivity, and the Discovery of 40 Pulsars, apj, vol. 812, p. 81, 2015.
J. Zhong, Lépine, S. , Hou, J. , Shen, S. , Yuan, H. , Huo, Z. , Zhang, H. , Xiang, M. , Zhang, H. , and Liu, X. , Automated Identification of 2612 Late-K and M Dwarfs in the LAMOST Commissioning Data Using Classification Template Fits, aj, vol. 150, p. 42, 2015.
G.  T. Richards, Myers, A.  D. , Peters, C.  M. , Krawczyk, C.  M. , Chase, G. , Ross, N.  P. , Fan, X. , Jiang, L. , Lacy, M. , McGreer, I.  D. , Trump, J.  R. , and Riegel, R.  N. , Bayesian High-redshift Quasar Classification from Optical and Mid-IR Photometry, apjs, vol. 219, p. 39, 2015.
W. Zuo, Wu, X. - B. , Fan, X. , Green, R. , Wang, R. , and Bian, F. , Black Hole Mass Estimates and Rapid Growth of Supermassive Black Holes in Luminous z \~ 3.5 Quasars, \apj, vol. 799, p. 189, 2015.
M.  X. Cai, Meiron, Y. , Kouwenhoven, M.  B.  N. , Assmann, P. , and Spurzem, R. , Block Time Step Storage Scheme for Astrophysical N-body Simulations, apjs, vol. 219, p. 31, 2015.
M. Cai, Meiron, Y. , Kouwenhoven, M. B. N. , Assman, P. , and Spurzem, R. , Block Time Step Storage Scheme for Astrophysical N-body Simulations, ApJ Supplements, vol. 219, p. 31, 2015.
S. Li, Liu, F.  K. , Berczik, P. , and Spurzem, R. , Boosted Tidal Disruption by Massive Black Hole Binaries During Galaxy Mergers - In The View of N-Body Simulation, ArXiv e-prints, 2015.
D. Rubin, Aldering, G. , Amanullah, R. , Barbary, K. , Dawson, K.  S. , Deustua, S. , Faccioli, L. , Fadeyev, V. , Fakhouri, H.  K. , Fruchter, A.  S. , Gladders, M.  D. , de Jong, R.  S. , Koekemoer, A. , Krechmer, E. , Lidman, C. , Meyers, J. , Nordin, J. , Perlmutter, S. , Ripoche, P. , Schlegel, D.  J. , Spadafora, A. , and Suzuki, N. , A Calibration of NICMOS Camera 2 for Low Count Rates, aj, vol. 149, p. 159, 2015.
