
Found 594 results
H. Zou, Wu, X. - B. , Zhou, X. , Wang, S. , Jiang, L. , Fan, X. , Fan, Z. , Jiang, Z. , Jing, Y. , Lesser, M. , Li, C. , Ma, J. , Nie, J. , Shen, S. , Wang, J. , Wu, Z. , Zhang, T. , and Zhou, Z. , Capability of Quasar Selection by Combining SCUSS and SDSS Observations, \pasp, vol. 127, pp. 94-101, 2015.
X. Fang, García-Benito, R. , Guerrero, M.  A. , Liu, X. , Yuan, H. , Zhang, Y. , and Zhang, B. , Chemical Abundances of Planetary Nebulae in the Substructures of M31, apj, vol. 815, p. 69, 2015.
R.  J. Buta, Sheth, K. , Athanassoula, E. , Bosma, A. , Knapen, J.  H. , Laurikainen, E. , Salo, H. , Elmegreen, D. , Ho, L.  C. , Zaritsky, D. , Courtois, H. , Hinz, J.  L. , Muñoz-Mateos, J. - C. , Kim, T. , Regan, M.  W. , Gadotti, D.  A. , A. de Paz, G. , Laine, J. , Menéndez-Delmestre, K. , Comerón, S. , S. Ferrer, E. , Seibert, M. , Mizusawa, T. , Holwerda, B. , and Madore, B.  F. , A Classical Morphological Analysis of Galaxies in the Spitzer Survey of Stellar Structure in Galaxies (S4G), apjs, vol. 217, p. 32, 2015.
L. Wang, Kouwenhoven, M.  B.  N. , Zheng, X. , Church, R.  P. , and Davies, M.  B. , Close encounters involving free-floating planets in star clusters, mnras, vol. 449, pp. 3543-3558, 2015.
S. Eftekharzadeh, Myers, A.  D. , White, M. , Weinberg, D.  H. , Schneider, D.  P. , Shen, Y. , Font-Ribera, A. , Ross, N.  P. , Pâris, I. , and Streblyanska, A. , Clustering of intermediate redshift quasars using the final SDSS III-BOSS sample, mnras, vol. 453, pp. 2779-2798, 2015.
R. de Grijs and Bono, G. , Clustering of Local Group Distances: Publication Bias or Correlated Measurements? III. The Small Magellanic Cloud, aj, vol. 149, p. 179, 2015.
V.  A. Rapson, Sargent, B. , Sacco, G.  G. , Kastner, J.  H. , Wilner, D. , Rosenfeld, K. , Andrews, S. , Herczeg, G. , and van der Marel, N. , A Combined Spitzer and Herschel Infrared Study of Gas and Dust in the Circumbinary Disk Orbiting V4046 Sgr, apj, vol. 810, p. 62, 2015.
D.  P. Bennett, Bhattacharya, A. , Anderson, J. , Bond, I.  A. , Anderson, N. , Barry, R. , Batista, V. , Beaulieu, J. - P. , Depoy, D.  L. , Dong, S. , Gaudi, B.  S. , Gilbert, E. , Gould, A. , Pfeifle, R. , Pogge, R.  W. , Suzuki, D. , Terry, S. , and Udalski, A. , Confirmation of the Planetary Microlensing Signal and Star and Planet Mass Determinations for Event OGLE-2005-BLG-169, apj, vol. 808, p. 169, 2015.
Z. Cai, Fan, X. , Jiang, L. , Davé, R. , Oh, S.  P. , Yang, Y. , and Zabludoff, A. , Constraining Very High Mass Population III Stars through He II Emission in Galaxy BDF-521 at z = 7.01, \apjl, vol. 799, p. L19, 2015.
J. Hong, Im, M. , Kim, M. , and Ho, L.  C. , Correlation between Galaxy Mergers and Luminous Active Galactic Nuclei, apj, vol. 804, p. 34, 2015.
Q. - X. Yang, Xie, F. - G. , Yuan, F. , Zdziarski, A.  A. , Gierliński, M. , Ho, L.  C. , and Yu, Z. , Correlation between the photon index and X-ray luminosity of black hole X-ray binaries and active galactic nuclei: observations and interpretation, \mnras, vol. 447, pp. 1692-1704, 2015.
E. Keane, Bhattacharyya, B. , Kramer, M. , Stappers, B. , Keane, E.  F. , Bhattacharyya, B. , Kramer, M. , Stappers, B.  W. , Bates, S.  D. , Burgay, M. , Chatterjee, S. , Champion, D.  J. , Eatough, R.  P. , Hessels, J.  W.  T. , Janssen, G. , Lee, K.  J. , van Leeuwen, J. , Margueron, J. , Oertel, M. , Possenti, A. , Ransom, S. , Theureau, G. , and Torne, P. , A Cosmic Census of Radio Pulsars with the SKA, Advancing Astrophysics with the Square Kilometre Array (AASKA14), p. 40, 2015.
A. Schulze, Bongiorno, A. , Gavignaud, I. , Schramm, M. , Silverman, J. , Merloni, A. , Zamorani, G. , Hirschmann, M. , Mainieri, V. , Wisotzki, L. , Shankar, F. , Fiore, F. , Koekemoer, A.  M. , and Temporin, G. , The cosmic growth of the active black hole population at 1 $łt$z $łt$2 in zCOSMOS, VVDS and SDSS, mnras, vol. 447, pp. 2085-2111, 2015.
Z.  L. Uhm and Zhang, B. , On the Curvature Effect of a Relativistic Spherical Shell, apj, vol. 808, p. 33, 2015.
A. Rebassa-Mansergas, Liu, X. - W. , Cojocaru, R. , Yuan, H. - B. , Torres, S. , García-Berro, E. , Xiang, M. - X. , Huang, Y. , Koester, D. , Hou, Y. , Li, G. , and Zhang, Y. , DA white dwarfs from the LSS-GAC survey DR1: the preliminary luminosity and mass functions and formation rate, mnras, vol. 450, pp. 743-762, 2015.
Y. Huang, Determination of the Local Standard of Rest using the LSS-GAC DR1, IAU General Assembly, vol. 22, p. 2251816, 2015.
J.  P. Dunn, Wasik, B. , Holtzclaw, C.  L. , Yenerall, D. , Bautista, M. , Arav, N. , Hayes, D. , Moe, M. , Ho, L.  C. , and S. Dutton, H. , Determining the Locations of Dust Sources in FeLoBAL Quasars, apj, vol. 808, p. 94, 2015.
R.  A. Riffel, Ho, L.  C. , Mason, R. , Rodríguez-Ardila, A. , Martins, L. , Riffel, R. , Diaz, R. , Colina, L. , Alonso-Herrero, A. , Flohic, H. , O. Martin, G. , Lira, P. , McDermid, R. , C. Almeida, R. , Schiavon, R. , Thanjavur, K. , Ruschel-Dutra, D. , Winge, C. , and Perlman, E. , Differences between CO- and calcium triplet-derived velocity dispersions in spiral galaxies: evidence for central star formation?, \mnras, vol. 446, pp. 2823-2836, 2015.
A.  M. Geller, de Grijs, R. , Li, C. , and Hurley, J.  R. , Different Dynamical Ages for the Two Young and Coeval LMC Star Clusters, NGC 1805 and NGC 1818, Imprinted on Their Binary Populations, apj, vol. 805, p. 11, 2015.
L. Jiang, McGreer, I.  D. , Fan, X. , Bian, F. , Cai, Z. , Clément, B. , Wang, R. , and Fan, Z. , Discovery of Eight z \sim 6 Quasars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Overlap Regions, aj, vol. 149, p. 188, 2015.
W. Yi, Wu, X. , Wang, F. , Yang, J. , Yang, Q. , and Bai, J. , Discovery of two broad absorption line quasars at redshift about 4.75 using the Lijiang 2.4 m telescope, Science China Physics, Mechanics, and Astronomy, vol. 58, p. 5685, 2015.
S. Pyrzas, Gänsicke, B.  T. , Hermes, J.  J. , Copperwheat, C.  M. , Rebassa-Mansergas, A. , Dhillon, V.  S. , Littlefair, S.  P. , Marsh, T.  R. , Parsons, S.  G. , Savoury, C.  D.  J. , Schreiber, M.  R. , Barros, S.  C.  C. , Bento, J. , Breedt, E. , and Kerry, P. , Discovery of ZZ Cetis in detached white dwarf plus main-sequence binaries, \mnras, vol. 447, pp. 691-697, 2015.
A. Constantin, Shields, J.  C. , Ho, L.  C. , Barth, A.  J. , Filippenko, A.  V. , and Castillo, C.  A. , Dissecting the Power Sources of Low-Luminosity Emission-Line Galaxy Nuclei via Comparison of HST-STIS and Ground-Based Spectra, apj, vol. 814, p. 149, 2015.
J. Sun and Shen, Y. , Dissecting the Quasar Main Sequence: Insight from Host Galaxy Properties, apjl, vol. 804, p. L15, 2015.
B. - Q. Chen, Liu, X. - W. , Yuan, H. - B. , Huang, Y. , and Xiang, M. - S. , Dust-to-gas ratio, X$_CO$ factor and CO-dark gas in the Galactic anticentre: an observational study, \mnras, vol. 448, pp. 2187-2196, 2015.
